
Responsible for the content

Dr. med. dent. Herbert Sirch
Bahnhofstrasse 30

Legal job title: Dentist
State in which the job title was awarded: Germany

More information

Responsible supervisory authority (s) and applicable professional code: Bavaria

Responsible for content according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV: Dr. med. dent. Herbert Sirch

Liability notice

Despite careful content control, we assume no liability for the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content.

In the event that the information on this website may infringe property rights, e.g. a trademark or copyright infringement, you are requested to notify us immediately by email or in other text form.
In this case, we will immediately establish lawful conditions.

This notice serves both sides. You may know that the infringement of trademark rights through keyword advertising is partly affirmed and partly denied by the courts. Model proceedings in which this question should be clarified by the Federal Court of Justice are in progress. It is therefore also economically superfluous to initiate new legal proceedings in this regard.

In such and comparable cases, we will immediately remove the alleged infringement. A warning is not required and therefore not our obligation to reimburse warning costs.

Design and implementation

FAIRRANK die agentur, Cologne